
Steve Wiktorski

Ev. Steve understands the mandate to bring God's hope to this lost world. He has preached in Argentina, Cuba, Colombia, Brazil, Canada, and Mexico. He has been focused on learning Spanish and feels God's calling to continue to learn. He is very thankful for the opportunity to come to your city and will be joining in prayer and faith to see God do and establish supernatural works in your church.

Evangelist Steve Wiktorski

Ev. Steve understands the mandate to bring God's hope to this lost world. He has preached in Argentina, Cuba, Colombia and Brazil. He has been focused on learning Spanish and feels God's calling to continue to learn. He is very thankful for the opportunity to come to your city and will be joining in prayer and faith to see God do and establish supernatural works in your church.

Powerfully healed and delivered from bi polar disorder and depression.

Now responding to the call of being a full time evangelist after successfully handing over a church he was laboring in for 9 years.



Evangelist Steve Wiktorski has had the privilege of seeing God at work in the supernatural areas of salvation, healing, words, and miracles. Upon receiving salvation in 1995 at the age of 21 years old, he was powerfully healed and delivered from bi polar disorder and depression. Over the past 25 plus years, he has pursued his walk with God and responded to the calling to preach the gospel. This has resulted in pioneering in 3 locations over the course of 14+ years.  Recently, in 2022, he responded to the call of becoming a full time evangelist after successfully handing over a church he was laboring in for 9 years.



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